速報APP / 音樂與音效 / VA-Beast Essentials-1

VA-Beast Essentials-1





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Geenstrasse 6 CH-8330 Pfaeffikon ZH Switzerland

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖1)-速報App

VA-Beast Essentials-1 is an Add-On Pack for the following G-Stomper Musical Apps:

• G-Stomper Studio (full version)

• G-Stomper Producer (full version)

• G-Stomper VA-Beast Synthesizer (full version)

Note: This package does NOT include any of the G-Stomper Musical Apps.

For using this Add-On-Pack, one of the G-Stomper Musical Apps mentioned above is required, and therefore must be installed on your device.

This pack provides 40 finest synthesizer presets: Basses, Lead Synths, finest FM Synths, Spheric FX sounds, Strings, Pads, and more

Preset Names:

Basic Pad1 PH

BeamMeUp PH

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖2)-速報App

BigSphereFM PH

Bottom Bass PH

Bugs PH

Celeste PH

DarkPad PH

Deep Dusty FM PH

DepecheMode PH

E-Piano3 PH

EightiesBassArp PH

Engine PH

Fat 5th Bass PH

Fiddle PH

FmBass AttackDecay PH

GlidingSoloSaw PH

HandClap PH

KickDrum PH

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖3)-速報App

Kraftwerk PH

MetallicBassFM PH

MetalPhasicFM PH

MoogBass4 PH

MoogLead PH

MysticFM PH

Oxygen PH

Plucked FmBass PH

Plucked SawHeaven PH

ProdigyChord PH

RavePulseLead PH

RingBass PH

Rising Pad PH

ScubaSaw PH

Silver PH

Sirens PH

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖4)-速報App

SuperMarioChords PH

ThreeOscillators PH

TouchingTheSea PH

UltraSweepFM PH

UltraSweepSaw PH

Wide Pad PH

Minimum recommended device specs for running G-Stomper apps:

1000 MHz dual-core cpu

800 * 480 screen resolution

Headphones or external speakers


This app does not require any special permissions

If you have any issues, please check the FAQs at http://www.planet-h.com/faq

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖5)-速報App

For any further support join the Support Forum at: http://www.planet-h.com/gstomperbb/

VA-Beast Essentials-1(圖6)-速報App